Interactive Example =================== .. code-block:: python >>> from pg8000 import DBAPI >>> conn = DBAPI.connect(host="pgsqldev4", user="jack", password="jack123") >>> cursor = conn.cursor() >>> cursor.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE book (id SERIAL, title TEXT)") >>> cursor.execute( ... "INSERT INTO book (title) VALUES (%s), (%s) RETURNING id, title", ... ("Ender's Game", "Speaker for the Dead")) >>> for row in cursor: ... id, title = row ... print "id = %s, title = %s" % (id, title) id = 1, title = Ender's Game id = 2, title = Speaker for the Dead >>> conn.commit() >>> cursor.execute("SELECT now()") >>> cursor.fetchone() (datetime.datetime(2008, 12, 10, 20, 39, 44, 111612, tzinfo=),) >>> import datetime >>> cursor.execute("SELECT now() - %s", (, 4, 27),)) >>> cursor.fetchone() (<,) >>> DBAPI.paramstyle = "numeric" >>> cursor.execute("SELECT array_prepend(:1, :2)", ( 500, [1, 2, 3, 4], )) >>> cursor.fetchone() ([500, 1, 2, 3, 4],) >>> cursor.close() >>> conn.close()