Interactive ExampleΒΆ

>>> from pg8000 import DBAPI

>>> conn = DBAPI.connect(host="pgsqldev4", user="jack", password="jack123")

>>> cursor = conn.cursor()
>>> cursor.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE book (id SERIAL, title TEXT)")

>>> cursor.execute(
...     "INSERT INTO book (title) VALUES (%s), (%s) RETURNING id, title",
...     ("Ender's Game", "Speaker for the Dead"))
>>> for row in cursor:
...     id, title = row
...     print "id = %s, title = %s" % (id, title)
id = 1, title = Ender's Game
id = 2, title = Speaker for the Dead
>>> conn.commit()

>>> cursor.execute("SELECT now()")
>>> cursor.fetchone()
(datetime.datetime(2008, 12, 10, 20, 39, 44, 111612, tzinfo=<UTC>),)

>>> import datetime
>>> cursor.execute("SELECT now() - %s", (, 4, 27),))
>>> cursor.fetchone()
(<<Interval 0 months 10454 days 49184111612 microseconds>,)

>>> DBAPI.paramstyle = "numeric"
>>> cursor.execute("SELECT array_prepend(:1, :2)", ( 500, [1, 2, 3, 4], ))
>>> cursor.fetchone()
([500, 1, 2, 3, 4],)

>>> cursor.close()
>>> conn.close()

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pg8000.dbapi — DBAPI 2.0 PostgreSQL Interface

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